Thanks to everyone who has prayed for me and partnered with me during the last 20 months of my missionary itineration / furlough. On March 15th my fundraising was finalized and on March 16th my British Visa was approved. I left for England on April 2nd, 2012 and am now on the campus of Mattersey Hall Christian College.
To follow what is happening in England, click here for a link to my e-news and ways to connect with me while I am on the field.
You can also go to my missionary blog "Shannon's Space" where I will post regular updates about life & ministry in England.
For the next four years there will be no activity on this Itineration blog, but thanks for stopping by and for your prayers!
Shannon's Itineration Trail
Tracking Missionary Shannon L. Buckner as she travels the USA during missionary furlough. Building partnerships, connecting with friends, sharing about what God is doing in Europe through the Assemblies of God World Missions.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The PUSH to England - Timing

To read more about what is happening, CLICK THIS LINK to go to my online newsletter: The PUSH to England - TIMING. God's timing is so utterly important and I had to share about it in the newsletter.
Thanks for your prayers, support, and partnership! If you would like to partner with me on a monthly basis, go to this link!
TOGETHER...we can see England and Europe come to know the HOPE that only Jesus can bring.
Monday, March 5, 2012
I feel like this was produced just for me!
I'm invited to Great Britain in 2012! Can't wait to get there.
Want to help me get to England so that I may train students for full-time ministry?
Go to this link to read how you can get involved and PUSH me to England this month!!
I'm invited to Great Britain in 2012! Can't wait to get there.
Want to help me get to England so that I may train students for full-time ministry?
Go to this link to read how you can get involved and PUSH me to England this month!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
20/20 - The P.U.S.H to England!
Twenty years ago this year - 1992 - was the year that I moved to the mission field. I had taken two different mission trips in 1989 & 1990 to Egypt, and it was during those summers that God solidified my call to full-time missions. In 1992 I surrendered my life & location to God and moved to Cambodia. I did not return to the USA for two years after my arrival.
Twenty years later, I remain a missionary and remain committed to the call on my life to make disciples of all nations. Since 1998 I have served in Europe training young men & women for full-time ministry. My heart is to train and mentor the next generation that will reach their world for Christ. I love what God has asked me to accomplish for Him and can't do it without His help.
As I celebrate this 20th anniversary of full-time missions, I am excited about the future and committed to God's plan. I will be moving to the nation of England where I will partner with the Assemblies of God of Great Britain and their Bible school, Mattersey Hall Christian College. My role will be Ministries & Mentoring Officer and I will assist the school in developing a mentoring program and overseeing practical ministry of the students.
The college would like for me to arrive by April 1st. Before I can leave for the field, I need your help and a PUSH to England! (PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens).
20/20 = 20 people @ 20 per month
British missionary and founder of the China Inland Mission, J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), said:
“God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply.”
Partnership in missions is extremely important to me. For 20 years individuals and local churches have prayed for me, given finances, and entered into a mission partnership that has spanned the globe. To the current members of "Team Shannon" - those who are praying and supporting financially - THANK YOU!
For new members to the team - Here's the 20/20 Campaign...
As I plan to depart for England by the first of April, I need
20 CHURCHES or INDIVIDUALS to prayerfully consider giving
20 DOLLARS each month for the next four years.
That's $240/year, or $960 for four years. Yes - it may seem like a lot, but I believe that if God has called me to go, he will ask you, His church, to send me. Sending will come through your prayers (which are absolutely vital) but also through your giving.
How can you get involved?
If you would like to become a partner by giving $20 (or more if God leads you) each month - or with a one-time or annual gift - simply
2) Fill out the form, and you will then receive instructions on monthly giving in the mail, including a certificate of your gift that can be used as a prayer reminder.
3) If you would like to give via a credit card each month, you can download this form and mail it to: Access the form by clicking here.
As I move to England and carry on the work of preparing students to be church-planters, missionaries, evangelists, pastors and teachers, I am reminded that it takes all of us to fulfill God's Great Commission. I also follow in the footsteps of many great men and women:
- British missionary and the father of modern missions, William Carey (1764-1834), said: "Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God." I am going with expectations of what God will do.
- British evangelist and author, Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) said: “Never lose heart in the power of the gospel. Do not believe that there exists any man, much less any race of men, for whom the gospel is not fitted.”
England, the United Kingdom and Europe are ready for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am ready to go and attempt great things for God. I am trusting God to send me.
Thank you for your giving, partnership and prayers.
In His Service,
Shannon L. Buckner
Missionary to Europe Serving at Mattersey Hall Christian College, Great Britain
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Almost to England...
My itineration is almost complete, however, I need a few more partners that are willing to stand with me through prayer and with monthly giving or one-time donations to help me return to Europe. At this point, I need the following:
- Lots of people to pray! I am currently applying for my British visa and it's not an easy process. Will you pray for this, plus commit to pray for me during the next 4 years? If the answer is yes, thank you once again. Let me know you are praying by sending an e-mail. Simply click here to send me a message! You will be added to my prayer news that will be sent monthly via e-mail.
- 2 partners to give $100 per month - this is a full commitment of $1200 per year, or maybe less than what you pay for your TV/Internet bill each month.
- 5 partners to give $50 per month - that's just $10 a week or one restaurant lunch each week, for a total of $600 per year in charitable giving.
- 20 partners to give $25 per month - that's a sacrifice of 5 Starbucks coffees each month. Just $300 per year in charitable giving.
Would you like to partner with me on a monthly basis?
If the answer is yes, THANK YOU! To make a monthly financial contribution, go to the Assemblies of God World Missions site by clicking here and filling out the form. A monthly statement will be sent to you by the Assemblies of God World Missions, along with an end-of-year statement that records your tax-deductible donation. If you would like a form mailed to you, click here to send me a message.
Would you like to give a one-time donation or donate by credit card on a monthly basis? You can do that too! The Assemblies of God World Missions provides a secure donor platform where you can give directly to my missionary account. Click here to go to the secure donor portal that includes my name and account number. All credit card donations also receive tax credit receipts.
Thank you so much for your partnership in missions. With your help I will be able to move to England and train young men & women who have a call to ministry and will make a difference for Christ in the United Kingdom and Europe.
TOGETHER we can bring Hope to Europe!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
As the year draws to a close, I want to thank you for following my itineration progress and the steps God is taking me on as I prepare to move to the United Kingdom. Although December is a slow month for missions service, I was privileged to share in a special service at Faith AG in Springdale, Arkansas earlier this month. I also enjoyed speaking to the ladies of Open Arms AG in Beebe.
I am continuing to raise funds and would LOVE to leave for England in January. However, I am currently waiting for my UK visa to be processed and for the remainder of my financial support to be raised. Thanks for your prayers and partnership. If you want to read more, click here for a link to my most recent newsletter posted online.
During this season of Christmas, I am thankful for each of you. Click here to read my Christmas greeting on my website.
May God bless you and your family abundantly during this advent season.
In His Service,
Shannon Buckner
Missionary to Europe
Training, Mentoring & Making Disciples at
Mattersey Hall Christian College
Mattersey, England, United Kingdom
I am continuing to raise funds and would LOVE to leave for England in January. However, I am currently waiting for my UK visa to be processed and for the remainder of my financial support to be raised. Thanks for your prayers and partnership. If you want to read more, click here for a link to my most recent newsletter posted online.
During this season of Christmas, I am thankful for each of you. Click here to read my Christmas greeting on my website.
May God bless you and your family abundantly during this advent season.
In His Service,
Shannon Buckner
Missionary to Europe
Training, Mentoring & Making Disciples at
Mattersey Hall Christian College
Mattersey, England, United Kingdom
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
So long...
No, this doesn't mean I'm leaving for the field just yet. It simply means it has been so very long since I last posted. A lot has been happening, so let me catch you up!
Since my last post in July I have been busy with missions service and lots of travel. I had the privilege of driving 2000 miles on a round trip to Phoenix, Arizona, for the Assemblies of God General Council. It was a wonderful experience, taking me through states I have never seen before, all to be a part of what was a wonderful meeting of our church fellowship. You can take a look at some of the pictures from the journey in the slideshow below. In Phoenix I worked each day in the exhibition area to promote Europe World Missions. It was a great experience to partner with my Europe missionary colleagues & leaders in sharing about the need in Europe. Our theme was BREAK 3 - less than 3% of Europeans are evangelical Christian and we want to break past this barrier. If you want to know more about this, click here, and watch the video on the site.
Upon returning home I attended a week-long seminar on Compassion Ministries in Kansas City, Missouri. What an eye-opening experience! I learned much about the need to minister to the felt needs of people throughout the world, as well as about the growing epidemic that is human trafficking. My eyes have been opened to this tragedy, which is happening every day in Europe and every country of our world, and I hope to share the knowledge gained from this seminar with the students that I teach.
Although I had hoped to leave for England in October, I am continuing to raise funds and share about Europe in churches throughout Arkansas and surrounding states. I have currently raised 85% of my monthly budget, and well over 100% of my cash budget! Praise God! One of the reasons for my delay was because the request for a worker visa from the college was denied. Would you please pray that God will give me wisdom as to how to proceed in requesting a visa to live & minister in England at Mattersey Hall Christian College? I know God has a plan. I now hope to leave for England in January 2012.
Thank you so much for your prayers & partnership. Until next time we are...
Partners Together,
Shannon Buckner
Since my last post in July I have been busy with missions service and lots of travel. I had the privilege of driving 2000 miles on a round trip to Phoenix, Arizona, for the Assemblies of God General Council. It was a wonderful experience, taking me through states I have never seen before, all to be a part of what was a wonderful meeting of our church fellowship. You can take a look at some of the pictures from the journey in the slideshow below. In Phoenix I worked each day in the exhibition area to promote Europe World Missions. It was a great experience to partner with my Europe missionary colleagues & leaders in sharing about the need in Europe. Our theme was BREAK 3 - less than 3% of Europeans are evangelical Christian and we want to break past this barrier. If you want to know more about this, click here, and watch the video on the site.
Upon returning home I attended a week-long seminar on Compassion Ministries in Kansas City, Missouri. What an eye-opening experience! I learned much about the need to minister to the felt needs of people throughout the world, as well as about the growing epidemic that is human trafficking. My eyes have been opened to this tragedy, which is happening every day in Europe and every country of our world, and I hope to share the knowledge gained from this seminar with the students that I teach.
Although I had hoped to leave for England in October, I am continuing to raise funds and share about Europe in churches throughout Arkansas and surrounding states. I have currently raised 85% of my monthly budget, and well over 100% of my cash budget! Praise God! One of the reasons for my delay was because the request for a worker visa from the college was denied. Would you please pray that God will give me wisdom as to how to proceed in requesting a visa to live & minister in England at Mattersey Hall Christian College? I know God has a plan. I now hope to leave for England in January 2012.
Thank you so much for your prayers & partnership. Until next time we are...
Partners Together,
Shannon Buckner
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