Monday, November 1, 2010

Down the road...

The life of a missionary on furlough is different than life on the field.  For the coming year there will be a lot of driving down the road. I had a service tonight just a few miles down the road.  Tomorrow night I'll drive about 5 hours (round-trip) for 10 minutes in a ministers meeting. This year I will drive thousands of miles to hundreds of locations.  I'll share my testimony, talk about Europe, and hopefully raise awareness of what is happening across the ocean.

But I love it. Furlough gives an amazing opportunity to meet the wonderful people in our local churches that pray & give so that I can serve the churches in Europe.  Driving these many miles gives me lots of time to pray about my future, reconnect with my home state, and see the beauty of my home country.

Thank you for getting involved in missions.  Let's drive down the road together!

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