Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why do missionaries need to learn the language?

If you have never learned another language or lived in another culture (or if you have!), read this article from the New York Times (click here to access) to understand why it is essential for missionaries to learn the language of their culture. But keep in mind that it could take a lifetime for one to understand all that the language implies. With language, my 11th commandment comes into play: "Thou shalt not assume!" In this case, assume that what someone says is what I understand them to mean. Enjoy the article and I welcome your comments!

Side note: This is why I believe that training individuals to go back to their home countries to share the gospel is so important. They don't have to take a great many years to understand the language or know the culture behind the language - they have learned this from birth. This is also why I see cross-cultural relationships as such an intriguing thing - especially when I have seen so many couples that have formed at CTS that are from different cultures, different mother tongues, communicate in a second language, teach their children their respective languages, and everybody gets it. Wow. That's all my limited vocabulary can say. Wow.

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