Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Greetings from Springfield, Missouri!  I have been back in the USA since the end of June and what a joy it is to be back home for furlough.  After a 5-year missionary term in Brussels, Belgium serving at Continental Theological Seminary, it is now time to reconnect with all of the wonderful partners in missions.

This blog is created so that you can follow my itineration progress, see my location each week, view partner lists and enjoy the occasional story and images of my missionary furlough and fundraising.  So come back and visit often!  Click on Itineration Calendar (left) to see my missionary service schedule.  If you are close to one of these locations, I would love to have you visit the service and hear the message live!

You can sign up for updates sent to your e-mail on the right.  Or bookmark the RSS feed for easy reading on your web browser.  Tell your friends, family, church, pastor, sister, brother, dog or cat.  If they are interested in missions and what God is doing in Europe, tell them to log on and get the news!

I am currently in Springfield attending the Assemblies of God General Presbytery meetings.  I was chosen by my colleagues, along with Missionary Larry Henderson (Canary Islands) to represent the Europe region of the Assemblies of God World Missions at these meetings.  It's a privilege to sit in these meetings.

Thanks for stopping by and may God bless you!!

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